Young Nuk’s Journey To Texas

Minneapolis artist Young Nuk made his move to Houston earlier this year and has been making his name known around the city. Hitting the ground running, Nuk immediately extended his hand to the local rap scene, offering recorded verses for artists who he picked on Instagram during his “Big 8” promotion.

“I’ve lived in The Twin Cities all my life, but I’m a resident of Houston now.” Tells Nuk, “There’s a lot of talent in the city, and what better way to network and meet new artists, than to reach out to them directly. We’re picking the artists based off of the music,” he explains. “If I like their sound and style then its a go, it has nothing to do with followers or who gets the most likes, it’s about the music and the vibe.”” 

Unknown or newer artists usually have a difficult time getting in touch with more established individuals and the more popular a musician is, the higher the asking price could be. Known locally between two cities, Nuk’s circle of connection is a great starting point for rappers trying to make a name in the city.  

While Nuk’s relocation to Houston is a new endeavor, he is no stranger to “the bayou city.” A member of Clover Gang Records, Nuk is one a handful of artist’s signed to Houston’s own Lil’ Flip’s record label. 

“Man!” exclaims Lil’ Flip as he thinks back. “We’ve been at it a while.” 

“Probably around 2014 is when I met Flip and he took me under his wing.” Says Nuk.

Since then, Nuk and Flip have partnered on multiple tracks and projects together, including Lil’ Flips 2019 Clover Gang Label compilation tape, “La Clover Nostra: Clover Gang,” as well as the single to Nuk’s upcoming ‘Trappin In Texas’ album “Bounce Back”.

“We’re always cooking up something together,” Says Lil’ Flip, “We knocked out another track just the other day, but you all will have to wait for that one.” 

While keeping his secrecy, Flip hints at new music, new deals, and new movies he’s set to be a part of in the near future.

“I can’t speak on it too much because it’s still in the works but you’ll be seeing me on the big screen soon.”

Moving across the country can be nerve-racking but Young Nuk’s smooth move to Houston brings not only his talent but his humbled generosity. Catch his latest single, Balboa Bars on Youtube and keep an eye out for the upcoming Trappin’ In Texas tape.

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Last edited 3 years ago by MONGO