Three Days Grace Explode Into Houston

Three Days Grace gave Houston a solid set last night at 713 Music Hall as part of their Explosions Tour. Performing hits from as early as 2003 such as “Home”. Such a nostalgic band that many of us from Gen-X to millennials to Gen-Z have been able to enjoy throughout the years. At the show itself I saw so many parents with their children head banging and rocking out to the music! Three Days Grace is for the kids, as some would put it. The flashing lights and empowering energy from current lead singer Matt Walst had the entire venue on the tip of their toes jumping in the air with their hands high. Lead guitarist, Barry Stock, didn’t shy away from taking the limelight with his masterful string skills. Backing vocalist & bassists, Brad Walst, complimented his brother Matt as he helped carry the performance with his on key vocals & full bass sounds. Neil Sanderson brought all of TDG together on the drums and backing vocals with efficiency. The band sent off the crowd without disappointment performing the mosh favorite “Riot” to close out the night.

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