Weed is a very common topic for stand-up comedians to touch on, even if not brought up during their set, most have indulged in the burning bush a time or two, but one comedian in particular ranks a little higher amongst stoners, Doug Benson. Doug is the the ultimate stoner, he’s even made a documentary, Super High Me where he does an experiment testing the effects of smoking weed everyday for 30 days and not smoking for 30. Currently, while not touring, he hosts the popular podcasts Doug Loves Movies which discusses another one of his favorite topics besides weed, movies!

With stand up comedy making a strong come back after the pandemic, Benson is back on the road and stopped in Houston at Warehouse Live. A diverse crowd gathered at the venue at the appropriate 4:20p.m. Another fun aspect of the tour, Benson implemented an interesting qualification for his fellow opening acts, enlisting only fellow comedians with the name Doug! He also mentioned on his podcast anyone barring Doug on their I.D. can get in to his shows for free!

To kick things off Doug Millard a Los Angeles based, Texan Native opened up for Doug and Doug. He told hilarious personal stories of things that have happen to him while under the influence of marijuana such as a time an elderly lady assaulted a teenager in a GAP department store.
Following Millard, was Houstonian Doug Dalton. He brought everyone to huge bursts of laughter with his raw comedy. Stories of his intentionally misspelled tattoos really gave you an idea of how down to earth he is and how happy he is on stage doing his passion.

Benson was not only the main act but also the host for the evening. Speaking directly to the audience throughout the evening, Benson made sure everyone was having a good time. Many jokes played off audience participation as well and he was always honest with the crowd. Being he was just getting back to being back on tour, he presented a wide variety of jokes and material he collected over the pandemic.

To end it all, he brought audience members onstage for a fun, impromptu trivia competition. The topic, Movies. The audience member named an actor and the participants had to name movies they were in one by one until only one remained. Benson, being the knowledgeable movie enthusiast he is, ended up the last one standing. But everyone had great time and still took home prizes. A bag with a mix of items including a Snap Bracelet, headphones from their plane ride to Houston, a “special” Lollipop, a koozie, and more. In the end Benson mentioned coming back and doing his podcast with a live audience and I for one really hope it’s soon because I can’t wait to get the chance to see him again.