The Mars Volta Takes Houston on a Progressive-Rock Trip

There’s an unexplainable exchange of energy when it comes to musicians and their fans. That is definitely exhibited when The Mars Volta made their appearance in Houston, on May 19th at 713 Music Hall. After a 10 Year Hiatus, the fans welcomed the band’s reunion with open arms, and a full venue.

Photo by Jennifer Lake

Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodriguez-Lopez stepped on to the stage surrounded by red flashing lights, setting the tone for the epic performance that was soon to be witnessed. The show kicked off with “Vicarious Atonement,” from the band’s third studio album “Amputechture.” This was definitely spot on as the opening track. The intro takes the audience to another universe through the innovative sounds produced from experimental, progressive rock. 

Photo by Jennifer Lake

“L’Via L’Viaquez,” followed and was an amazing track to listen to live. The infusion of classic rock, along with latin textures and emphasis reminds the fans, and the music industry exactly why the band is a huge success. There’s a fine line of genre binding that is not crossed by most, but the success of the Mars Volta is definitely an inspiration and living proof that there is beauty in experimental musical constructs and creative thought. The dramatic intro of guitar riffs and heavy drums was the perfect embodiment of live serotonin the fans came to see. The salsa dancing that occurred throughout the performance as the song progressed and went into different cues also deserves an honorable mention! 

Photo by Jennifer Lake

The show continued on with tracks from the bands latest release, the self titled album, which was released on September 16th, 2022. “Graveyard Love” and “Shore Story” were performed as the setlist continued. The chemistry between all musicians was indescribable. The performance  felt like watching a jam session of the band throwing out unique instrumental emphasis, and constant exchange of telepathic musical communication. It was definitely a unique experience that left many in awe.

Photo by Jennifer Lake

Set List: 
Vicarious Atonement
Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of)
L’Via L’Viaquez
Graveyard Love
Cygnus… Vismund Cygnus
Shore Story
Cicatriz ESP
Drunkship of Lanterns
The Widow
Son et lumiere
Inertiatic ESP

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