Last night, The Cynthia Woods Mitchel Pavilion in The Woodlands, Texas hosted a night of pure 90’s alternative bliss with a lineup including Stone Temple Pilots, LIVE, and Soul Asylum. Hundreds of “Dad Rock” lovers gathered into the pavilion with eagerness that was clearly hard to contain as by the time I was able to get to the merch table most of the STP shirts were already almost sold out while lines were still wrapped around the corner. I could understand the excitement as I, myself, have been listening to STP and LIVE since I was a child… so both of these bands have a true meaning to me and hold a special little place in my music heart. Unfortunately, thanks to Houstons notorious traffic i was late and unable to catch Soul Asylums set which i was super bummed about but i heard from the great vines of colleague’s also covering the event, that the talented musicians of soul asylum put on a great show and it was the perfect 90s flashback to start of the night of nostalgic tunes.

It was time for LIVE and I was super stoked to be able to see them for the first time along with being able to photograph them, to the point where my anxiety was through the roof, and I was standing there gazing at the stage like a little girl in a candy store. As the five piece band joined the stage, every human throughout the pavilion was on their feet cheering them on. Starting their set off with “Top”, “All Over You”, and “Selling The Drama”, I was instantly impressed with how after all these years they sound the same as ever. Lead Vocalist Ed was slaying each and every note that echoed throughout his mic. Here I was, back in the 90’s dream singing my little heart out. When I think of the 90’s, I think of the old chevy pickup trucks, the light washed blue jeans, and the music… and when I say music I mean the obvious 90s rock and alternative music which always included LIVE, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, and more. I was born in 93’ so I’m still able to remember the late 90’s and all the beauty that came with it and man was that a time to be alive. I always joke around and say I wish I was a teen in the 90’s because deep down that’s where I feel I have always belonged. As LIVE was playing all those classic hits including “Freaks” and “Shit Towne”, I couldn’t help but feel as if I was standing there, now in my thirties but mentally back in the old days. I don’t even think I can really explain the feeling… It was bittersweet in a way, but magical as well. Their whole performance was just incredible from the moment they walked on stage to the moment they walked off, between the talented musicians, the energy the crowd was radiating with, and even the LED screen of visuals to go along with each and every song… I have to admit it was making me a tad emotional. LIVE ended their set with fan-favorites “I Alone” and “Lightning Crashes” while every single person including myself sang alongside them. I really hope these guys tour again and come back to my side of the world. I would love to experience that feeling again of just pure nostalgia and the feeling of nothing else mattering at that point in time. Just good music and a good ass time.

After a small break in between sets it was now time for it to get a little more on the wild side. It was time for Stone Temple Pilots. To say I was excited beyond belief is an understatement… The last time Stone Temple Pilots was on a stage in front of me, was back in 2013, also at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, with front-man as (my all time favorite musician in the world) the late Chester Bennington. Well here comes all those emotions… THAT, was a show that cannot be topped again. Anyways, STP, with new vocalist Jeff Gutt along with Drummer Eric Kretz, and original bass and guitar DeLeo brothers, joined the well lit stage and immediately went into their first song of their set “Meatplow”. It was chaos at the switch of a button and everyone’s energy level went from 50 to 1,000. Jeff paced back and forth on stage in Scott Weiland fashion while pouring his soul into the crowd, eventually hopping off the stage with the help of security guards and towering over the rail and getting up close and personal with fans gathered inside of the pit. Obviously the fans were to the moon in awe, especially as Jeff held hands and sang to some of them. I’ve always loved when musicians do little stunts like that, something so quick and simple like that could be a lifetime of a memory for others. I’m sure the attendees in the pit that night are still gawking over it too. STP played many of their greatest hits during their fifteen-song set-list including “Vasoline”, “Interstate Love Song”, “Big Empty” and more while absolutely nailing every one of them. The huge LED screen behind them was constantly putting out crazy visuals after visuals throughout the whole set as well, definitely making their performance even more eye appealing… but y’all… the sound! Their sound was on point, the whole band was just as tight as they’ve ever been, and delivered that 90’s rock we all know and love directly into our ears. Fun random fact: The first time i ever remember hearing Stone Temple Pilots was while i was in 4th or 5th grade, on the radio in the daycare bus that was transporting me from school, and the song that was playing is still my all time favorite STP song “Plush” which ended up being the first encore song played that night. Is that a full circle moment or what?
Ending their set with three more encores, clearly saving the best for last, was “Dead & Bloated”, “Crackerman”, and “Sex Type Thing”. Three of the most energetic raging songs, to really go out with a bang and end the incredible show we all deep down did not want to end. Stone Temple Pilots put on one hell of a performance, and really outdid themselves that night while continuing to prove that they are not done yet and that they are not going anywhere anytime soon.