When Kane first came to Houston on Oct 15th for his “World Wide Beautiful” tour he
didn’t walk or run to center stage. He took what my Dad would call a Nestea plunge on
to the stage from the lights above. Brown gave no warning or hello before jumping down
front and center. A common and impressive entrance for Kane this tour. Brown started
the night with “Pull it off” a 2016 fan favorite. Kane teased taking off his leather jacket
and acted as if he was going to throw it into the crowd. The long catwalk made it easy
for the fans in the pit to get a closer look at the ACM award winning performer.
Pyrotechnics for the show were phenomenal! Rings of fire lined the floor surrounding
the drums and keyboards. When fire wasn’t being used big stacks of fog would shoot up
like geysers towards the ceiling. At one point during his popular 2016 hit “What Ifs”
Brown stood a little too close to one of the geysers and it blew his hat straight off! “Did
yall see that trick?” He smiled and kept singing.

You could have walked into the Toyota Center on Friday night not knowing anything
about Kane Brown and his story. But by the time you walked away from his show you
felt like you were close enough to be invited to his Birthday celebration later this month.
For each touching song he had an even touching background story to share with his
Houston crowd. Kane played “Learning” from his 2016 album. He spoke about his harsh
up bringing that he wouldn’t change for the world. Brown weaved through stories about
his abusive Stepdad and young parents. The siblings that he didn’t know about till he
was 16 years old. One of his brothers was the on-stage DJ for this tour! “We bonded
over music and video games…so I had to ask him to come on tour with me…” Brown
shared. He segued by telling us about how he had promised to always be a good father
to his children. The lights dimmed low while clips of Kane and his daughter were shown
on the big screen. “Don’t be scared y’all can sing it with me” Kane Brown said as he
played “For my Daughter.” With that encouragement everyone put on their best church
choir voice and sang out the melody.

“Y’all know I like to play different genres… this one never made the country charts as a
single. But it plays like a single… let’s see if y’all know it!” The 2019 “Short Skirt
Weather” came on and the crowed gave a Texas cheer that was heard down the block.
Kan could be seen with a big smile on his face laughing along with his band as the
crowd sang back the lyrics ““From them yellow polka dots, blue jeans and leather Oh,
my baby’s made for short skirt weather”. A burst of applause rings out as Brown
reaches down to the hands of the crowd and comes back up with a phone in his hand.
He took several selfies that night with fans phones held up high. Any pause in the show
was filled with checking on the crowd and making sure Houston fans were having a
good time. “Houston how you feeling?” Below the triangle lights Kane weaved his way
through the music genres like your favorite mix CD. A 20 second count down appeared
on screen during his performance of “One Thing Right” form his last album in 2019. A
techno beat dropped over the song and Browns electric guitarist took his place on the
catwalk. The brilliant guitar solo captured the audience’s attention while Kane got ready
for the last half of the show.

Even though Kane didn’t have Chris Young there with him he still had enough friends to
come join him back on stage for the 2020 single “Famous Friends.” Tour openers
Restless Road and Jordan Davis all came running back out from behind the curtain. Not
far from their side our beloved Houston Rockets Mascot Clutch came running onto the
stage! Everyone laughed and cheered! Brown still taking selfies was now also signing
hats that were tossed up. The last song was finished but Kane was not. He signed the
Rocket’s Jersey that he had been wearing all night and gave it a good throw into the
crowd! He ended the evening with a sincere “Thank you for making my dreams come
true!” Thank you, Kane Brown, for the amazing show Houston hopes to see you again