All attention was on the jumbo screens in the Toyota Center on October 10th but not for the beloved Houston Rockets. Tonight, it was J Cole that could be seen running though the game day hallways. Despite reports earlier this year of Grammy winning Artist choosing to leave the sport for “Family obligations” the love of the game was a vivid expression in the aesthetics of the night. The stage was an all-black half court fit with a fire flaming hoop, ”Dreamer 15” was proudly displayed on his Jersey and the screen flashed stats including
-Averages Platinum Album Every Two Years
-Bicycle Enthusiast
-Wears Crocs Out of Sport Mode.
With a classic giant curtain drop and thunder applause from the crowd J Cole appeared in the middle of the stage. He stood and admired the full arena of screaming supporters for a moment, soaking it all in. It has been four years since the artist was last on tour and you couldn’t help but feel like he had truly missed preforming. The pure joy and excitement in his smile let you know that the night was going to be a good night. “95 South” from his new album “The Off-Season” was first to play. The flames from the half court began to spit fire with each pules of the bass. A few more songs played that got the crowd hyped up before J Cole slowed it down to have a heart to heart with his Houston fans. He first called out the staff and fans for not letting him know he had come on stage with a mask on. Arguably no one noticed. He then told the crowd the vision he had for the tour when he dropped this album.

“…I had a vision I wanted to bring the bars…there is a lot of pressure to just bring the hits, and we got those… but what’s really in my heart you know what I mean what my real passion is to put these…words together and I feel like Houston Texas apricates bars…so if its cool with yall can we get into some bars…?” On that note another hit from the new album “A p p l y I n g . p r e s s u r e ” sparked the speakers. Other songs from his new album like “1 0 0 M i l ” and “l e t . g o . m y . h a n d” were preformed live with no disappointments.
J Cole is a master of his craft, spitting each poetic bar with flawless application. The crowd reciting each word of songs like G.O.M.D, Nobody’s Perfect, a “H-Town Classic” according to J Cole and “Wet Dreamz”. He took a second to call attention to the crowd rapping back.
“From my point of view, it feels like every person in the building know that shit word for word bar for bar…it’s a phenomenal feeling I’m not going to lie, its rush. You know what a mean? I pray that every artist and every musician get’s to feel that feeling…”

Throughout the night J Cole would call out and speak directly to the artist in the building, offering advice from a heartfelt place of experience. Many times, he would stop to say how grateful he was for the Houston crowd and their kinetic energy. The night catered to J Coles long and respected discography. Giving us a flashback from songs like “Cant Get Enough” and “Work Out” he also brought the bars as promised in “t h e . c l I m b . b a c k” and “p r I d e . I s . t h e . d e v I l”.
Ari Lenmox was one of the featured artists to share the stage last night. She sang her 2019 hit song “Shea Butter Baby”. J Cole gave her worthy praise on stage that almost made Ari cry. “…before you cry can you give Houston one more song at least …” J Cole asked. Ari carried on the show with her 2020 hit “Bussit”. Morray with his 2020 hit “Quicksand” was another artist welcomed on stage. J Cole hyped up his guest helping them feel comfortable in the arena. 21 Savage was the tour opener so of course it was expected that he would come back on the stage to perform the callab “A Lot”. In one big mash up on stage the J Cole with Morray and 21 Savage preformed “M y. l I f e”.
The kindness that J Cole has for his guest and fans is a refreshing reminder that concerts are meant to be a safe place for everyone to have a good time. The light turned up as he took a moment to show off everyone in the band. The end of the night came to soon, thankfully not before playing the five-time Platinum song “Middle Child”. The way you sing this song alone in your car driving to work is the way everyone in the audience was singing at the top of their lungs. The off Season tour is one to see.