August Burns Red returned to Houston for their 20-year Anniversary Tour! The Band played at the legendary downtown spot, The House of Blues on Thursday, February 23rd. Featured acts for the tour included The Devils Wears Prada, and Bleed from Within. A crowd was building outside as they waited for the doors to open. First on stage to open the night was The band from Scotland, Bleed from Within. They did a phenomenal job hyping up the crowd getting them ready for the Thursday night.

Lights low music began to play I got on my tippy toes to see The Devil Wears Prada. They played hits like Born to loose, Chemical and new songs from there album Color Decay. Salt and Cancer were some of the crowds favorites of the night. Chemical was my favorite! I feel like the energy of the song gets me hyped up and ready to dance on stage with them! I was happy to see other kids my age enjoying the show. Following The Devils Wear Prada I took my Dad and went ventured out to find someone to interview. I wanted to hear other people’s prospective of the show. Crossing paths with Amanda and Jessica, two Houston Elementary School teachers I got started with my questions. (Audio interview available @SpaceCityFrequency) Their favorite bands are DWP and August Burns Red. The school Teachers were most excited for the hit songs Born to Lose and Chemical. Jessica’s favorite part was seeing the lead singer of DWP. Hear Amandas favorite part on the audio interview.

As the interview was wrapping up, August Burns Red came on to stage, the lights dimmed. Coming on strong with a banger, “Empire” to set the tone for the rest of the night. “Lets Go Houston!” Lead signer Jake Luhrs shouted into the raging crowd! They also played the song Faultline which had everyone on their feet. August Burns Red gave a preview to their newest album Death Blow dropping March 24th. Playing the song Ancestry, a song so pummeling had me hardcore dancing where I was at!
Thanks for coming back to Houston, anytime they come back to town be sure to check them out!

Nice work Luka! I can’t wait to read more of your articles.