An Intimate Night With Mana

While most Houstonians were prepping for Thanksgiving, a lucky few were getting together at Houston’s newest venue, 713 Music Hall for a very special performance. Houston has always been a very diverse city, with a large Hispanic community, and tonight everyone was under one roof to witness, perhaps on of the biggest Mexican Pop Rock bands, Maná, as they graced Houston with their first concert since the Covid-19 pandemic cancelled live shows around the world. It was apparent by everyone’s excitement that they were ready to get back to a bit of normality and come out to enjoy the very extensive catalog of hits by Maná. With doors scheduled to open at 7, the line was wrapped along the front of the venue and down the sidewalks. Fans were there ranging all ages, from kids to a more mature crowd, people were excited as they entered the venue.  

Photo by Jennifer Lake

People packed in eagerly, lining up along the bar to get everything they needed to enjoy that night’s show. The general admission area steadily filled up, along with the other 3 floors of seating around the stage. Fans waited, filled with anticipation, the band was waiting to make sure all of their fans were inside before starting the night. Soon the lights dimmed down, fog machines began as the band walked onto the dark stage. Mana opened with their popular hit, ‘Oye.’  The lights rose and you could see a variety of percussion setups and various guitars placed around the stage. Everyone sang along as frontman Fher Olvera made his way back and forth across the stage, dancing along the way.

Photo by Jennifer Lake

There was not one person in the hall that night that was not singing every word with great passion. Throughout the evening Olvera wasn’t shy speaking to the audience. Telling stories and explaining what inspired the songs they played. With Covid being a major worldwide issue, he honored those who we had lost throughout this last year, including his own father, and asked the crowd to sit back, grab a drink, and enjoy the music for those who couldn’t be there that night.

Photo by Jennifer Lake

Later he brought out a guest, a young girl, with a voice of great power, to accompany him in singing one of the groups songs. Afterwards, the stage was hers as she covered Alicia Keys ‘Fallin.’ The crowd loved her energy and talent. LED lights shot all over the venue, and midway through the set for a short intermission.

Photo by Jennifer Lake

The band really displayed their technical skills by playing a jam session style tune showcasing the guitarists skills along with an awesome drum solo. With everyone in the crowd dancing and singing along, the show went incredibly well. They played a lengthy set of songs with an encore to satisfy the crowd’s chants for more. Those who were unable to make last nights show, have the opportunity to catch Maná again, this Friday, November 26. With so many people wanting the attend the first show, a second show was booked at 713 Music Hall.  We can’t wait for Maná to come back to Houston because the atmosphere and vibe of the night was so warm and inviting, it gave you the idea of being at a classic Hispanic party, and we didn’t want it to end.

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