From beginning to end, the night was surreal – Houston is the place that any artist from any genre should mark as a tour stop. For some, the day started bright and early Thursday morning, September 8, as lines quickly began to form around 11am in anticipation to see Giveon live. The massive crowd of young and old alike patiently waited to enter 713 Music Hall to get a premium view of the show. A night filled with romance and great vocals surely did not disappoint those in attendance.

To open the show Fana Hues won the crowd over with her amazing energy and crowd interaction, covering one of her favorite Stevie Wonder songs. Hues had wonderful stage presence and really gave a great performance to open the show, which gave the audience exactly what it needed to prepare for Giveon’s entrance for the night. Ending the set with her single “Icarus”, fans sang along and applauded her exit as she welcomed Giveon to the stage.

The anticipation continued to grow, and the crowd began to chant “GI-VE-ON, GI-VE-ON”! As the curtains opened, the energy in the venue skyrocketed- phones began to flash as the band started to play with Giveon opening with the popular single “Still Your Best”. The packed house knew every word to the song. Murmurs of “are you serious?” and “are you kidding me?” came from every corner of the venue and the participation was incredible. The feeling was magical as Giveon proceeded to work the stage and walked through the crowd to interact with the fans; as he got back on stage he even played “rock, paper, scissors” with a fan. As the concert ended Giveon sang a personal favorite of mine, ironically titled “Favorite Mistake” which left most satisfied, myself included. As the band stayed on stage, some of the crowd began to make their way out of the venue, assuming the show had ended so to their surprise- Giveon walked back on stage to do an encore performance singing a variety of songs from his extensive catalog.

An unexplainable romantic energy was felt by all and surely a night no one in attendance will forget. If Giveon is making a stop in your city, it is advised not to miss the show! He has an amazing stage presence and interacts with the crowd to provide a personalized experience.